News & Resources
Discover Wellness:
Articles, Tips, Stories
Maya Christobel, Psychotherapist and Trauma Specialist, and Kelly Price, CEO of Reset Medical and Wellness Center, discuss Maya's experience with NSR at the age of 74, along with her educated point of view on the power of the treatment for not only trauma patients but for everyone.
Emma-Jane was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, and at 32 years old, she has faced significant challenges in her life, particularly in the realm of mental health. She has battled substance abuse, which led to numerous stays in rehab and institutions for mental illness. At one point, she was taking up to 18 prescription pills a day and was constantly in a state of “fight or flight.”
Dr. Laurena White and Kelly Price discuss the benefits of NSR Treatment related to menopause, hot flashes, and overall mental health.
Voyage Ohio - Exploring Life & Business with Kelly Price of Reset Medical and Wellness Center
Resetting the Nervous System...Reset Medical and Wellness Center is helping these patients hit the reset button and get their sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems back in sync.
Childhood trauma leaves a lasting imprint on our hearts and minds, often shaping our adult lives in profound and sometimes unexpected ways. The experiences we endure during our early years can influence our overall mental health, creating patterns that are difficult to break.
Bold Journey interviewed Kelly Price, our CEO about living life boldly.
43 Focus' Harry Boomer, Host and Executive Producer, interviews Kelly Price, along with patient Blandine Williams.
Hope For Healing
Life is not easy. We all have stuff. And no matter what our “stuff” is, Reset offers a path beyond the triggers or the numbness. Beyond the pressure or the fog.